How to Overcome Anxiety| 8 Tips to Instantly Ease Anxiety

The amount of change and uncertainty that is surrounding us every day is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. After all, there is only so much stress that a human being can handle before it begins to take a toll on how we experience the world. 

Anxiousness is one of the most common mental ailments in the world, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America; today, anxiety affects more than 40 million adults in the US, while 1 in 3 teenagers will experience an anxiety disorder. 

It’s safe to say that anxiety is a huge issue in this country – the best we can do is find ways to lift ourselves up and out of despair by working through the precariousness and focusing on what really matters; our happiness, health, and our will to continue striving towards growth!

Keep reading for eight ways to overcome your anxiety. 

What is Anxiety?

Anxious Mother

Have you ever felt that pit of worry in the bottom of your stomach? Or the tightness of your chest that you just can’t shake? If so, you’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of experiencing anxiety in your lifetime. Never fear, the National Institute of Mental Health tells us that it is totally normal for the average person to encounter moments of anxiety throughout their life.

In today’s world, it is nearly impossible to exist without running into stress at some point or another. That being said, if a person’s anxiousness continues to accrue without an outlet or treatment, this can lead to more serious conditions, such as an anxiety disorder.

Many people are born with anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, however, most people develop these conditions over time. The good news is that, although anxiety is extremely common and easy to come by, there are a plethora of remedies that you can put to use to soothe your uneasy mind and heart – first things first, listen to what makes you happy!

8 Remedies for Anxiety

Wellness and gardening
  1. Deep Breaths
    • The term “take a deep breath” is rooted in a highly effective relaxation process. Participating in deep, abdominal breathing for about 20 minutes a day gives the brain more oxygen, which allows the body to respond by letting go of physical stress. To learn more about this process, take a look at this article by The American Institute of Stress.
  2. Objective Facts
    • When you’re suffering from intense anxiety, it is easy to feel like your world is literally crashing down around you. In these circumstances, a helpful mindfulness practice is to focus only on objective facts that you know are true. You’ll be surprised to learn how much embellishing you do when you’re anxious!
  3. Eat Regularly
    • When your body doesn’t have enough food, and your blood sugar drops, this causes the release of a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol can add to feelings of panic when you’re already feeling anxious. Setting a regular eating schedule is helpful so that your mind and body never run out of fuel. Bonus points if you can add fresh veggies and high-protein foods to your regular eating habits!
  4. Move Your Body
    • Movement is one of the most effective and accessible ways to come out of an anxious episode. When you move your body, you release endorphins which literally causes your brain to feel less stress. This can entail taking a walk, having a quick dance party, or practicing yoga before you start your day. Take a look at our interview with dancer and resident blog-writer, Rachel Andes, about how movement can positively impact your day. 
  5. Set Accomplishable Goals
    • There is nothing quite like checking something off of a list – we all know that feeling of satisfaction; fleeting but fulfilling. Finding time to gift yourself small victories has a long-term benefit in terms of your general feelings of motivation and will to continue finishing tasks. 
  6. Set a Bedtime
    • Sleep is imperative when it comes to taking care of your mind and body. If you’re experiencing sleep deprivation, your system is more apt to symptoms of anxiety. As habitual beings, our bodies adapt to rituals over time; set a bedtime for yourself to make sure that you’re getting a sufficient amount of sleep to remain calm and productive. If you have trouble sleeping, read up on herbs that can help you get a better night of sleep!
  7. Connect with Others
    • Human connection is a luxury that not everyone has in this trying and tumultuous moment in history. That said, it is so necessary to be intentional about taking time off of the news and social media in order to connect with the people you love and cherish. Bonus point if you’re interacting with others through a shared interest, or through volunteering in your community. One great and safe way to connect with others is to start a community garden!
  8. Garden
    • We can’t say it enough; gardening is truly a cure all for one who is riddled with stress and anxiety. When you take time to dedicate yourself to a daily practice, to grow something, to spend time outside, and to get your hands a bit dirty, you’re prioritizing your wellbeing. Now is the time to give yourself the gift of growth in the garden; start your garden today and experience the joys of your first “I Grew That” moment
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