How to Celebrate Easter at Home: 8 Ideas

Child Celebrating Easter at Home

This year, Easter will inevitably be a little unusual. The Corona Virus means that social distancing and isolating is an absolute necessity. As such, Easter this year will include no neighborhood egg decorating or hunts, no physical church services, and no extended family.

However, that doesn’t mean Easter can’t be successful and exciting for you and your family. Here are 7 ideas to help you celebrate Easter at home in style this year.

Dress Up Anyway!

That’s right, pull out your easter dress and hat — even if only your partner or roommates see it. Most of us have been wearing yoga pants or shorts for the duration of COVID-19, so use Easter as an excuse to dress up and feel good! It’s still a celebration even if you’re celebrating intimately, so you might as well wear your favorite fancy outfit and enjoy it.

Find a Virtual Church Service

Many churches around the world are offering online or radio-based services weekly. If your local church isn’t doing so (or maybe you don’t usually go to church), find an online service through google and tune in. While doing so, it may be helpful to really sit down and listen actively. The more formally you participate, the more “real” Easter Sunday will feel.

Set Up a Zoom Call with Family and Friends

At the end of the day, holidays are best spent with family and friends. This year, set up a zoom call (or Skype or FaceTime call) with all your favorite people. Simply send out an invite and schedule the call. It’s also a perfect time to express your love and gratitude to your favorite humans.

One of the best ways to celebrate Easter is by giving. Although person-to-person isn’t accessible in the same way during the pandemic, you can still give through online donations. Choose a charity, a local business that may be struggling during the pandemic, or a church and offer whatever you feel inclined to. Generosity is a beautiful way to inspire gratitude in yourself and your family.

“We love seeing so many gardens being gifted to friends, colleagues and family members. The gift enclosure notes are so touching, things like, Thank you for helping me grow into me, Nurture your garden like you nurture me, happy growing, and one of our favorites, You showed me how to love through challenges, thank you for giving me roots so that I can hold up during this challenging time, Happy Easter.” Grow Pro

Have an Egg Hunt

Girls Hunting for Easter Eggs

If you have kids, maintaining a sense of consistency will help them enjoy this unusual Easter. That means keeping the activities and things they love about Easter the same this year. So, do an Easter egg hunt still (even if there’s only one child at home), dye some easter eggs, and bake something delicious. It will make Easter joyful this year.

Set the Table and Eat Big

Herb Bouquet on Table
Herbs make beautiful centerpieces!

One of the better things about staying at home is that we all have tons of time to cook and enjoy good meals. Have a big Easter sit-down meal and don’t hold back. Whether you choose Easter brunch or dinner, set the table in full style there are delicious recipes to be made and enjoyed.

Talk about What You Have, Not What You’re Missing

Grateful Woman Celebrating Easter At Home

Plant A Garden

Planting a garden is a good way to focus on hope, the famous Audrey Hepburn quote, “To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow” has never been more true. Planting a garden is a signal that spring is here and patio container gardens of fresh herbs or spring vegetables is a great salute to fresh, new and the season.

Above all, stay grateful this Easter at home. Not because you “should,” but because it will actually make you happier! As you go throughout your day, talk about the new exciting things happening this Easter rather than what is missing. It will create joy and excitement throughout the day and help you acknowledge all that you have.

Lettuce Get You Growing Easter at Home