Move more. Get fresh air at least once a day. Become more mindful. Eat healthier.

What if we told you that you can accomplish all of your New Year’s Resolutions with a single activity? And what if that activity was not just adding to your overall wellness goals but was also fulfilling, engaging, satisfactory, and super fun?
We really can have it all when we get out in the garden.
Studies have shown that gardening boasts a slew of health benefits, from improving mental health to strengthening your heart to contributing to overall wellness. But, at the end of the day, it’s hard to stick to a wellness routine that only feeds the heart and not the soul. Gardening balances both, providing enough healthy pros to make it an enticing wellness activity and enough fun to keep you coming back for more.
How do we have fun in our gardens? Here are some of our favorite ways to get growing and get happy.
Make it a morning routine.
Have trouble rising and shining? Getting the garden first thing every morning can help. A burst of fresh air, exercise, and green help us get centered each day, and the thrill of doing something with our hands often lasts throughout the day.
Involve the whole family.

The garden is a place where the whole family can feel productive and satisfied. Children of all ages can take part in the process of tending for plants, with younger children watering and digging holes for seeds and older kids harvesting with garden shears. You can teach your teens about budgeting, showing them just how much money you save by growing your own food over buying produce at the store.
Get creative in the kitchen.

There is truly nothing better than homegrown fruits, vegetables and herbs. Parlay your fun in the garden to even more adventures in the kitchen, cooking up fresh and exciting meals that get out of a cooking rut. See if you can make an entire dinner out of just produce from your own garden for an ultimate feeling of fulfillment.
Practice mindfulness.
Gardening reminds us of our connection to nature and the power of life. When you are in the garden each day, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Really process what you smell, what you hear, what you feel. Take a moment to think about all that you are grateful for in your life as you pour life into another living thing.
How are you having fun in the garden this year? Share pictures of your happy times and tag us on social media for a chance to be shared on our pages.