How to Start a Garden this Spring in 4 Easy Steps

It’s springtime. In other words, quintessential growing time! If you’re looking to start a garden this spring, here are 4 easy steps to get you growing.

1. Just Do It!

Start your garden

The first and most important step of all growing: starting! It may seem intimidating to suddenly take on the responsibilities of a plant parent but trust us: it’s not as hard as you think. More important, it’s totally worth the tasks and time. There’s truly nothing as satisfying as watching your garden go from tiny seed to delicious meal. So, how to start a garden? Begin by starting.

2. Pick Your Place.

It’s important to know where and how you want to grow. Container garden? Backyard patch? Back porch? Indoor window sill? Rooftop patio? All are possible! The next step in starting your garden is to choose your future plant’s home. Where and how you grow will help you choose what kind of plant you grow and how you care for it. For beginners, we suggest growing in container gardens: it’s easier and a little less stressful.

3. Pick Your Plant.

Once you’ve chosen your place, you need to pick your plant.

Our suggestion?

Pick something you’re excited about.

If you love eating cucumbers, grow cucumbers on your patio!

If mint is more your style, go for a mint garden kit.

When you’re choosing, consider these factors:

  • Harvest Time
  • Sun Exposure Needs
  • Climate Needs
  • Taste (Obviously).

What you choose to plant should match where you’re growing, your climate, and the time of year. You can use our Gardenuity Match system to help you out, or you can do your own research!

Either way, pick a plant you’ll be happy to love on.

4. Keep it Up!

Once you’ve started, the most important step of gardening is to keep it up!

Growing a plant is kind of like having a pet (but much lower maintenance). It needs attention, love, and a little care.

Set aside 5 minutes every day to check on your plant and use these minutes to notice your plant. Does it look droopy? Dehydrated? Is it blooming? Ripening? Consistency in nurture is how you get the reward in gardening.

The growing journey should be exciting. Use these ‘how to start a garden’ steps to set you own your growing way and let us know if you need any help!