3 Things In Your Fridge You Should Be Growing

Chances are, if you went into your fridge and took a peek, you’d have these three plants inside. They’re staples — we certainly always have them on hand. But, why settle for anything less than absolutely fresh and homegrown staples?

Here are 3 things you probably have in your fridge right now that you should be growing.


Spinach Container Garden from Gardenuity

It’s our favorite superpower superfood. And if it’s in your fridge, you should be growing it, because trust us, spinach tastes even better freshly harvested.

With tender leaves that taste equally delicious raw and cooked, spinach is a health-filled and tasty choice for every meal — breakfast, lunch, and dinner alike. Our varieties are Red Kitten (smooth, straight baby leaves), Bloomsdale (savory and ideal for winter), and Space (early flavor and gorgeous color).

Already growing? Check out this delicious recipe.


Lettuce Gardenuity Container Garden

Literally, everyone has lettuce on hand at all times. It’s a staple for salads, sandwiches, and snacks. Whatever you prefer — romaine, buttercrunch, or salad bowl lettuce — growing it is your best bet this fall.

When grown in your personal container garden, lettuce leaves retain more nutritional value, taste fresher (and therefore a little crunchier), and include the added satisfaction of being grown by you.

If you’ve already got this homegrown staple on hand, try this unconventional way of preparing it.


Mint Bamboo Box Gardenuity

Okay, so you might not have actually had it in your fridge this second, but you definitely should. Mint is a great homegrown staple that is hugely versatile. Brew a soothing tea, garnish your fav cocktail, treat your skin, or create a delicious dessert.

Grown indoors, our mint Inbox of herbs avoids all the pitfalls of gardening. No need to worry about the weather, growing from seed (they arrive ready to harvest immediately!), or leaves wilting away in the fridge. Growing mint with us is simple and so very delightful.

Start your morning off right by adding a fresher feel to your coffee with this happy recipe.

It’s fun to start by growing what you use on a daily basis. But ultimately, just get growing! It’s not really about the end result anyway, and you’ll be happy to have the growing journey.