","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://blog.gardenuity.com/wellness-tips/#faq-question-1636140594648","position":2,"url":"https://blog.gardenuity.com/wellness-tips/#faq-question-1636140594648","name":"What Are Ten Tips For Wellness?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our Favorite Tips From This List Are:
Drink More Water, Get More Sleep, Listen To Your Gut, Don't Forget To Treat Yourself, Make a \"Happy List\", Talk To Your Friends, Take A Lunch Break, Add Something Green, Define Your Schedule, Manage Your Light","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://blog.gardenuity.com/wellness-tips/#faq-question-1636140724587","position":3,"url":"https://blog.gardenuity.com/wellness-tips/#faq-question-1636140724587","name":"How Can You Keep Your Wellness Level High?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As much as we would all love to be 100% perfect all the time, the fact of the matter is that we are not going to be practicing wellness at all times in everyday life. Try to keep your levels high by starting off simple--incorporate one or two of these tips into your daily routine, adding more as you see fit. Don’t torture yourself if you “mess up” or have a bad day, just commit to starting again tomorrow.
It also helps if you start to measure your wellness in overall happiness instead of by certain metrics. As long as you are putting positivity into your body and the world, treating yourself and others with respect and doing the best you can as much as you can, you are working towards overall wellness and all of its health benefits. ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://blog.gardenuity.com/wellness-tips/#faq-question-1636140772931","position":4,"url":"https://blog.gardenuity.com/wellness-tips/#faq-question-1636140772931","name":"What Are The Main Things to Keep in Mind For Wellness?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Three things we would say to consider would be:
1. Wellness is a journey. You shouldn’t go from doing nothing to living “perfectly well” overnight, nor can you. Start small, build as you can, and celebrate each and every win.
2. Holistic well-being is about all of you, but you are not failing if you are better in some areas than others. It’s OK to feel like you are taking really good care of your mental health but struggling to wash your face everyday. Sometimes even just being aware of where we are succeeding and coming up short can be good for our health.
3. If all else fails, just try to walk outside for 30 minutes a day. You’ll be shocked at just how much happier it can make you feel.
Wellness is not a foreign concept. The internet is full of tricks, secrets, insights, plans, hacks, and regimens that will help you look, feel, think and act your best. With the sheer volume of messaging around health and wellness, it’s not hard to avoid the topic.
What is hard? Knowing how to actually be well.
If you’re looking to start living a healthy lifestyle but are unsure of how to start, you are not alone! We have been there, and we understand just how unattainable and convoluted it may seem. What we have learned is that, no matter what, at the end of the day, even a little bit can go a long way in improving your overall health and well-being.
So, whether you are new to holistic wellness or an old pro looking to see what’s out there these days, we’re breaking down some of our favorite fun wellness tips. From focusing on weight loss and heart health to infusing just a little bit more joy into your day, here is a curated list of everything you need to know about healthy living.
We know what you’re thinking–why isn’t wellness important? And even if our question feels like an obvious one, it’s still important to break down just exactly what we are trying to achieve here.
For us, wellness is more than just a number on a scale or mileage on a treadmill. While those things are important, we have a much broader view of well-being, one that encompasses physical, mental and spiritual health and prioritizes feeling good over many other traditional metrics. Studies show that chronic stress is a huge health risk, meaning that now more than ever, it’s important to start maintaining a healthy lifestyle across all areas of the body.
Are you ready to start living your best life?! We’ve broken our favorite tips into five categories: physical wellness, financial wellness, mental wellness, workplace wellness, and work-from-home wellness.
You have probably heard about it a lot, but there’s good reason: a glass of water holds the key to physical health and wellness. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to function efficiently, and even the slightest bit of dehydration can make you feel tired and listless. The Mayo Clinic has a great resource that helps determine how much water you actually need to drink.
Not such a fan of water? Consider adding a little bit more tea to your daily routine. Harvard studies show that it has numerous benefits as well.
Humans need at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and depression. Getting enough sleep is a simple way to improve your overall health.
This goes beyond healthy eating, though you should be eating plenty of veggies and drinking water consistently. More and more research has shown that good health starts in the gut. Enjoying healthy food, taking a probiotic supplement, eating foods rich in antioxidants and maintaining hydration are not just good for weight loss but can also reduce anxiety and naturally lower blood sugar.
Move your body, anyway, any time, anywhere. Physical activity is one of those crucial healthy habits we all need to adopt. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can improve your mood, boost productivity, stimulate weight loss and minimize your risk of heart disease. Try stepping outside for a short walk every day and see how much better you can feel.
Skincare is health care. Make sure you are putting on sunscreen every time you step outside for some extra vitamin D.
Though it may seem obvious, going to the doctor regularly is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. A yearly physical helps identify any health issues before they become full-blown problems, as well as allow you to talk to a professional in person about any concerns you may have.
One of our favorite ways to save is through round-up savings. There are tons of apps out there (we like Acorns) that take any purchase you have made, round it up to the nearest dollar, then deposit the difference into your savings account. It’s a great way to build a safety net through just a few pennies a day.
While you’re downloading a round-up savings app, download another one to help with investing. Though it may seem scary, there are lots of programs that can help you build wealth through lower-risk investments using as little as $5 per week.
Yes, it’s so boring, but making food and coffee at home can help you save major dollars. Bonus points if you are growing your own food–you won’t believe how much money you can save by skipping the grocery!
Interested in starting a backyard garden? Check out our garden kits, which include everything you need to start growing food at home.
We all love our weekly manicure or streaming subscriptions, but sometimes we have to be real about when we need to cut back. Just remember: the good feelings you’ll feel by saving just a little bit of money absolutely outweigh the anxiety of having a low balance in the bank.
The above said, don’t deprive yourself of everything. We all need some form of self-care to feel grounded, satisfied, and fulfilled. Picking up a sheet mask, ordering a seasonal coffee, or trying a fun new restaurant provide immediate happiness without long-term financial harm.
Sometimes we need a baseline of where we are mentally. There’s no better way than to start paying attention to our minds. This can be through meditation, intuitive eating, journaling, or breathwork, anyway in which you feel you are focusing and building on the mind-body connection.
This simple trick can be a lifesaver for bad mental health days. Sometimes when you are feeling particularly upbeat, set aside a time to make a list of anything that makes you happy. It could be playing with your dog, drinking a cup of your favorite tea, taking a walk through your favorite park or getting your hands dirty in the garden. Next time you are feeling a little low, refer to your list and pick something to do. Think of it as an emergency manual for hacking your mood.
Humans, by nature, are social creatures. Chronic loneliness can lead to high blood pressure, sleep deprivation, depression, and even substance abuse. Carving out time every day to talk to someone–either in person or over the phone–can help you feel happy and connected.
Not only does exercise have all of the amazing physical benefits listed above, but it can also boost your mood and improve your mental health. Try picking a movement that feels good to you. Whether it’s yoga, running, dance, pilates, or tai chi, something that feels fun will be more exciting to do.
If you’re feeling particularly low, you may want to consider seeking professional health. There is no shame is seeking treatment, and millions of people have found it to be a lifeline. Psychology Today has an amazing resource for finding a counselor that’s right for you.
Though it can be tempting to work through lunch at your desk, try to set aside even 15 minutes to eat lunch away from your computer. Bonus points if you have time to walk around the block before returning to work.
A clear space makes for a clear mind. Get fun folders or a spiffy pencil cup to make things a little more cheerful. Also, consider how your space is oriented to your physical health. Make sure that you have space to align your elbows and wrists to prevent carpal tunnel or invest in a laptop stand or standing desk if you are experiencing back pain.
At least once an hour, stand up, stretch and move around a little. Even if you don’t have a standing desk, you can stand in work station and read emails on your phone for a bit.
Yes, sometimes the last thing you want to do after work is hanging out with work people, but interaction with coworkers helps foster relationships and prevent loneliness in the workplace. If you don’t like the activities your company plans, consider offering to plan one yourself.
Did you know that having plants on your desk can reduce work stress, increase productivity and even clean the air around you? Our desktop gardens are a great place to start.
As much fun as it sounds to work from bed, having a clear-cut workspace helps you mentally transition to and from work each day. Carve out a space on your dining room table, put a small desk in your living room or even repurpose your kitchen island to ensure that you have “work” zones and “play” zones in your house.
Without the set parameters of the office, it’s really easy to find yourself working outside of typical work hours. Set clear boundaries with yourself–and your colleagues, if necessary–about what times you will be available to work. Just because you don’t have to hightail to the office in case of emergency doesn’t mean that you should be expected to drop everything at home.
The office provides many of us with a social community. That can be stripped away when working from home, where the only thing that you may talk to in person is your cat. Be sure that you are getting out of the house periodically to see friends, or, if you are homebound, set up video and phone calls with people you enjoy being around.
This applies both to your overhead and computer light. Humans were not meant to be sitting inside all day, so, if you are, be sure that you are at least getting some sunlight. Open up the blinds during the day to get some natural glow (bonus: you’ll look great on video). If you don’t get much natural light, consider turning off your overhead lights and opting for soft-hued lamps and candles around your workspace.
Similarly, our eyes are not meant to be staring at artificial computer lights all day. If you are getting frequent headaches or are having more trouble than usual seeing, you might want to invest in blue light glasses.
Take advantage of working from home when you take your daily break. Brew some tea, do some yoga, play with your dog, paint your nails–spend 15 minutes twice a workday to do something that refreshes your mind.
The Mayo Clinic defines them as: Eat Nourishing Food, Sleep 7-8 Hours Per Night, Keep Company with Good People, Avoid News Overdose, Get Regular Exercise, Do Something Meaningful Each Day, Think Good Thoughts For Others.
Our Favorite Tips From This List Are:
Drink More Water, Get More Sleep, Listen To Your Gut, Don’t Forget To Treat Yourself, Make a “Happy List”, Talk To Your Friends, Take A Lunch Break, Add Something Green, Define Your Schedule, Manage Your Light
As much as we would all love to be 100% perfect all the time, the fact of the matter is that we are not going to be practicing wellness at all times in everyday life. Try to keep your levels high by starting off simple–incorporate one or two of these tips into your daily routine, adding more as you see fit. Don’t torture yourself if you “mess up” or have a bad day, just commit to starting again tomorrow.
It also helps if you start to measure your wellness in overall happiness instead of by certain metrics. As long as you are putting positivity into your body and the world, treating yourself and others with respect and doing the best you can as much as you can, you are working towards overall wellness and all of its health benefits.
Three things we would say to consider would be:
1. Wellness is a journey. You shouldn’t go from doing nothing to living “perfectly well” overnight, nor can you. Start small, build as you can, and celebrate each and every win.
2. Holistic well-being is about all of you, but you are not failing if you are better in some areas than others. It’s OK to feel like you are taking really good care of your mental health but struggling to wash your face everyday. Sometimes even just being aware of where we are succeeding and coming up short can be good for our health.
3. If all else fails, just try to walk outside for 30 minutes a day. You’ll be shocked at just how much happier it can make you feel.
Are you ready to start changing your life? Read up on holistic wellness, explore healthy recipes and learn about the benefits of gardening on our blog.
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