June Brings The Start of a New Season

The arrival of June brings the promise of long days, warm nights and loads of fun with friends and family. One of the best things about the summer season is the growth that can be seen and appreciated from any perspective; the trees and grass are green again, flowers are reblooming, children are growing and gardens are thriving. 

Even though this last year has looked very different from what we could have ever expected, the turning of the seasons has always remained the same. Join us in welcoming the summer season, and in celebrating the growth that comes along with it. 

Soak Up the Sun

June Season

Similar to your plants, it is simply so good for you to spend some time in the sun. According to an article by Forbes, Why Sunlight is Actually Good for You, “Moderate sunlight exposure helps improve your mood and focus by boosting the serotonin levels in your body. Also known as the ‘happiness hormone’, it makes you calm and alert.” This same article also mentions that sun exposure can help to improve your sleep, as well as improve your immune system.

Get some Fresh Air

Being outside is imperative to socializing and thriving this summer season. As a result of safety precautions set in place by Covid19, being around other people in the great outdoors is actually safer than being around others in a confined, indoor space. 

While it is grave that we are still dealing with the virus, take advantage of this need to be outdoors. In fact, being outside will lead to you being healthier and happier. Sharp Health News states that, “nature simply makes us happy. Anxiety, depression, and anger are notably decreased after spending time outdoors.”

Plant New Roots

June Season

The arrival of summertime indicates the opportunity to foster new growth in your life, as well as in the world around you. This could mean planting a new garden, taking time to heal, bringing your community together, or seeking out new relationships. Luckily for you, all of these goals can be fulfilled through spending time in the garden. 

This year, consider starting a community garden. Community Gardens are accessible, they bring people together, and they grow peace, prosperity and healthy produce for anyone who needs it. Look at this article about Starting a Community Garden to get started today. 

Revisit Old Roots

Summer is a wonderful time for healing. Take some time to sit down with yourself and reconnect to your roots in nature. Gardening is a great way to reflect and work through memories or experiences that you need to heal from. We all need to prioritize time to heal; spend some time growing with your plants this year and see what happens.

Celebrate Summer

June Season

What are you waiting for? Celebrate the (almost) summer season and celebrate new growth this weekend, and for many months to come. While you are at it, be sure to get your hands dirty in the garden with your loved ones. Start your garden and watch as it flourishes alongside you. Take a look at our available garden kits today to start your journey!