It’s the best day of the year: Daylight Savings time is officially over, and we get an extra hour to celebrate!
And while it’s always exciting to get extra time in the day, we’re looking to really make the most of it this year. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is just around the corner, meaning that things are about to get hectic. As we continue our journey towards holistic wellness, we’re prioritizing mental health just as much as physical, striving for balance and clarity in each aspect of our lives.
This year, we are using our extra hour to focus on mental health. Here are a few ideas for actions you can take if you’d like to do the same.
Try Meditating
We know, it’s cliché–mental health means meditation. But there’s a reason for the hype around meditating: it really works!
Keep in mind that meditation is a different practice for different people. If you are someone that likes to ohm and visualize, that’s incredible. If you find yourself struggling to clear your mind, it doesn’t mean the practice is completely off-limits. One of our favorite ways to meditate is to put on a relaxing playlight, close our eyes and take a few deep breaths. We try to focus our breath into our stomach and chest, breathing in gratitude and breathing out joy. Even just five minutes of mindfulness can help us find our center.
Do a Crossword Puzzle
Intellectual health is an important part of overall well-being. Making sure our minds are stimulated helps us stay more alert and maximize our creative potential. Take a stab at solving a crossword puzzle to get your mind moving. An added bonus–the best crosswords are always published on Friday!
Get in the Garden

Gardening can be an amazing escape. It is also scientifically proven to make you happier–and mentally healthier.
Take the time to prepare your garden for the new season. Pull out any weeds, add in some fresh fertilizer or get some winter-hearty plants put into the ground. You can also cut back some of your more productive plants to make sure that they continue to provide a bountiful harvest. Doing small things now will ensure that your garden is thriving come spring.
Go Ahead…Sleep In!
Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is rest. This is us officially giving your permission to sleep in come Sunday. You deserve it!