As we move into the cooler weather, we are entering the time of the year that comfort food feels just that extra bit more comforting. If you’re looking for a place to start with your favorite recipes, all you need to do is step outside and into your garden.
FYI – You can enjoy the comfort-food dinners of your dreams, and still enjoy them in a way that benefits your health. Join us, October 7th from 5:30-6:30p (CST), as we pair up with nutrition expert and culinary mastermind, Dixya Bhattarai, to learn how eating healthier doesn’t entail losing out on your favorite comfort foods.
We will be hosting an interactive cooking workshop, with expert insight from Dixya & Donna about cooking and wellness. Don’t miss out!
Dixya began her journey towards health and wellness advocacy with an extensive background in acute care clinical dietetics and foodservice management. In 2010, she graduated with a Major in Dietetics and a Minor in Biology from Idaho State University in 2010. In 2016, she received a Master of Science in Nutrition from the renowned Texas Woman’s University.
Since then, she has gone on to develop an incredible health and wellness brand called Food, Pleasure & Health. It is through this platform that she “strives to inspire wholesome, healthy living through delicious food and intuitive wellness”.
Dixya runs a phenomenal food blog on YouTube, she has a huge following on Instagram, and she also hosts cooking classes and workshops at her studio, which is called The Table Market + Culinary Studio. As though she isn’t already giving so much to her community, Dixya also works as a Culinary Registered Dietitian by providing nutrition consultation services.
As an essential part of her teachings and philosophy, Dixya always encourages her clients to “take it slow, regardless of whatever changes they are making to their lifestyle”. Good health is not a matter of instant gratification; good health is a practice that requires patience and attention to detail in order to make the changes that will most positively impact your lifestyle.
“Nutrition has become so accessible,” Dixya shares with us, “and people are getting overwhelmed with information – they feel like they have to do everything, and do it right away.”
The next time you are feeling overwhelmed by the next steps in moving towards a healthier lifestyle, consider consulting a professional, like Dixya! This way, you can receive streamlined and concise advice as to what would be your best starting point.
“Small sustainable changes for a long term impact. It comes with time.”
Additionally, don’t try to tackle an entire shift in eating habits all at once; Dixya recommends, “Rather than going to the grocery store and buying up the whole produce section, start with 1 or 2 vegetables, or 1 or 2 whole grains rather than just changing everything.”
Dixya also emphasizes that it is imperative to recognize that a healthy living practice starts from the inside out. “The first misconception that people have is that health has to be black and white – people think calories in, calories out, and everything is going to work,” Dixya explains.
“Health is not just weighted on the scale or how you look, it has a lot to do with how you feel inside.”
Dixya Bhattarai
Remember, you want your mind and body to be working together to create a healthy system.
In a world where we are so image-driven, and prone to comparing ourselves to others, it is easy to get lost in someone else’s health regimen – it is easy to feel as though you aren’t doing enough because someone else is doing more, or has a different routine than you. These thoughts do not help you grow, and in fact, they only stem from insecurities.
“Just because it worked for your neighbor, it doesn’t mean that you have to do that to be healthy too,” says Dixya. “Healthy is a very individual term; you have to do what works for you, so you feel good from the inside out.”
Dixya is a firm believer that small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle and eating habits are what make big changes in your health over time. She recommends adding more greens and spices to your food little by little. She wants people to remember that “they are not doing this just once; they are making small, slow, and sustainable lifestyle changes that eventually become good habits”.
You also want to keep in mind that checking in with yourself is a great way to reevaluate your journey towards health and wellness; it is always beneficial to ask yourself, “How are you sleeping, how is your stress management?” Dixya reminds us that, “all of these things are so tied into health.
If you’re constantly stressed, it’s not quite healthy. You have to adopt a more wholesome approach.”
In addition to making the shift to healthier eating habits, you also need to keep in mind what you can do for your mind and body in order to reduce stress, get a better night of sleep, and feel more content with yourself.
We feel that gardening is the perfect place to start tackling these issues!
When you take some time in the garden, you are giving your mind a nice, deep breath, while also giving yourself the gift of fresh air and a meditative practice. Part of a healthy lifestyle is knowing how to prioritize taking time for yourself – it’s an act of kindness.
You do not want to miss this Patio to Plate Event on October 7th; Dixya will be teaching a workshop on how to make Fresh Spring Rolls with a Peanut Dipping Sauce.
The rolls will be plant-forward, with plenty of fresh herbs from your patio herb garden. Between the wealth of knowledge that both Dixya and Donna possess, you will be sure to leave feeling refreshed and inspired!
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