
The Strawberry One Sheet | FAQs & Recipes

What is it? 

Who doesn’t love a strawberry? These gorgeous, red fruits are rich in antioxidants, flavor, and color. The perfect summer treat that is easy to grow and even easier to love.

Did you know?

Technically strawberries are not a fruit. This is due to the fact their seeds are on the outside. Strawberry plants are actually a member of the rose family and contain 200 seeds. Strawberries are native to North America, but interestingly, China is the top producer followed by the United States, and Mexico.

What’s in a name?

The first garden strawberries were grown in the 1700s in Brittany, France. Traditionally, farmers used straw to protect their budding plants from harsh weather and muddy soil, thus the name strawberry.

Health benefits of strawberries?

Historically, the Romans used strawberries to treat fevers, blood disease, liver problems, kidney stones, gout, and inflammations as they were thought to alleviate symptoms. These berries are rich in vitamin C ( great for your skin and the immune system), folate (needed for tissue growth, and potassium (supports healthy blood pressure). 

Strawberries are over 90% water and are naturally low-carb. They are also low fat and low in protein. Strawberries contain less sugar than oranges, apples, and bananas with the average serving of 5-7 strawberries containing only 32 calories.

According to a Woman’s Health Study reported in the 2015’s American Diabetes Association’s 75th Scientific Sessions, women who eat strawberries at least once a month had a lower risk of diabetes.

Why are Strawberries served at Wimbledon?

Strawberries and Cream are synonymous with Wimbledon. It is presumed that this time-honored tradition began in 1509, when Cardinal Wolsey served them at a banquet during the reign of King Henry VIII. 

Later, it became the dessert of choice when Wolsey hosted tennis matches at Hampton Court Palace. The combination of flavors proved irresistible and has continued across the centuries. 

Best outdoor temperature for growing strawberries? 

Strawberries can thrive in rather cold environments. If the temperature drops below 20 degrees, that is when you may want to move or cover your strawberry plant. 

What is the best way to harvest strawberries? 

This one’s easy: just snip the ripe berries off of the plant! It is best to pick this fruit in the morning when it’s cooler outside. 

How much light do strawberries need to grow? 

Strawberries crave around 6-10 hours of sunlight per day, so make sure they are planted in a place where this is possible. 

Should I water strawberries every day? 

You should give your strawberries around 1 inch per square foot of water per week. Their shallow roots crave lots of hydration and moisture!

Let’s talk taste. 

Juicy, sweet, and aromatic. 

What is the best way to plant strawberries? 

Plant your strawberry plant by making sure the roots are fully covered under the soil, but the crown (all of the leaves and plant at the top) are exposed. 

What are good growing companions for strawberries? 

Herbs are the best growing companions: sage, dill, chives, coriander, and thyme are examples.

Three recipes with strawberries?

Fruit Salad with Mint

Spicy Strawberry Basil Margarita 

Blueberry Spinach Salad

5 things to remember when planting and growing strawberries

1. Your strawberry plants need full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sunlight every day).

2. Strawberries have small root systems, therefore, growing your strawberries in containers is one of the best options.  

3. Potted strawberries will dry out quicker than those planted in the ground, so be sure to check on them daily to ensure the soil is consistently moist.

4. When you are planting your strawberries, first dig a small hole and make a mound of soil in the middle of the hole. Spread the bare roots out over the mound and fill in with soil. Plant the strawberry deep enough that the crown of the plant sits towards the top of the soil.

5. You will know when your strawberries are ripe to pick when they are red and firm. Once the berry is fully colored, pick the fruit with about one-quarter of the stem attached. Morning harvests are better, when the berries are still cool.


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