
Growing Wellness: My Journey with Microgreens

As a mother of two energetic children, a wife, and a Partner at a successful consulting firm, my days were always busy. Despite my hectic schedule, I made it a priority to provide nutritious and creative meals for my family. Still, I often felt that something was missing from our diet.

One day, at a company wellness event, I was introduced to Gardenuity, a service that offers gardening kits as part of our wellness benefits. My outdoor Taco garden has thrived so I became intrigued by the idea of growing my own microgreens. I learned that microgreens are young vegetable greens harvested just after the first leaves have developed. They are packed with nutrients and can be grown indoors, making them an ideal addition to our diet. Along with a fun project for my kids to engage with.

Excited by the idea of having microgreens always at the ready to sprinkle on top of our favorite recipe, I decided to give it a try. I ordered a starter kit through Gardenuity, which included a ceramic growing tray, seed germination mats, and an assortment of seeds. When the kit arrived, I felt a rush of excitement and a sense of purpose. I read the instructions with my kids and we set up a small growing station on my kitchen island. 

Setting up the Microgreens Garden was a surprisingly therapeutic process. It only took a few minutes and I found myself enjoying the tactile sensation of the water hydrating the foundation mat and sprinkling the seeds evenly across the tray.  Each day, we misted the seeds and eagerly monitored the progress of the little green sprouts. Within a few days, tiny shoots began to emerge, filling us with a sense of accomplishment and joy.

As the microgreens grew, so did my enthusiasm. I experimented with different varieties, such as arugula, radish, and lettuce. Each type brought its unique flavor and nutritional profile to our meals. I incorporated them into salads, tacos, and pizzas, adding a fresh and vibrant touch. My children love the taste and novelty of the microgreens. They are enjoying the process as much as the unique flavors. 

The benefits of growing microgreens extend beyond nutrition. Tending to our miniature garden had a profound impact on my mental health. The act of nurturing the plants provided me with a sense of calm and fulfillment. It became my daily ritual, a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of family life and the high-pressure demands of my job.

At work, I shared my experience with them, sparking interest and curiosity. Some even started their own microgreen gardens, inspired by my story. My success with microgreens became a topic of conversation during lunch breaks and team meetings, adding a personal touch to our professional environment.

Reflecting on my journey, I realized that my decision to focus on nutritional health had blossomed into something much greater. Growing microgreens has not only enhanced our diet but also enriched our lives in unexpected ways. It brought us closer together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

My kitchen island remains a vibrant testament to my commitment to health and well-being. They remind me that sometimes, the smallest changes can have the most significant impact. Through my journey with microgreens, I discovered a path to wellness that nourished both body and soul, balancing my roles as a mother, wife, and Partner with newfound vitality.

Thank you Gardenuity for growing with me.

Elizabeth S.


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