
Gardening with Gardenuity, Demystified

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the gardening process, we get it. We’ve been there too. It’s tricky to find the right plant for the right time zone with the right soil and fertilizer, not to mention how and when to plant.

At Gardenuity, we completely demystify the gardening process. Our growing kits are one of a kind — specifically curated for our grower and his/her wants and then supported by gardening experts throughout.

Here’s gardening with Gardenuity, demystified.

We match specifically to you.

We start with you. Simply insert your zip code, and our custom-built technology pairs your location with predictive weather patterns and climate data and immediately suggests what veggies you can plant right now.

We’ll only match you with things that are in-season, fresh, and bound for success. There’s no guess work, zone research, or shots in the dark. You’re only growing things that will grow.

We assemble the perfect package.

Depending on what you’ve chosen to grow, the time of year, and your location (we even consider the pH of your local tap water), we assemble a customized garden kit — specifically curated for you. Each kit includes customized seeds or live plants, a microfiber grow bag container, and the specific soil and nutrients your plant needs to thrive.

We work with the best of the best, from soil engineers to seed specialists, to bring you products that work. Everything is hyper personalized to your location, your time zone, and your plant’s needs. The nutrient package you get for a tomato plant in Dallas is the not the same as what you’ll get for beets in Utah.

Like our friends at Gardenista explained, with us, there’s no guesswork! We take the research and painstaking shopping out of the equation.

We support you throughout the grow with GrowPro.

Whenever you purchase a plant from Gardenuity, you and your garden are immediately registered with our Grow Pro system. Grow Pro is the ultimate post-delivery growing assistant. The moment your plant is delivered, our team of gardening experts start sending you emails full of know-how and advice to keep you and your plant on track. This includes delicious recipes that use your plant, harvesting timing and tips, and reminders to water and feed your plant.

The best part? Our weather alerts. When you buy a MoGrow kit, you’re automatically enrolled for our Grow Pro weather alerts. We know where you live (and not in the creepy way), so we send location-specific emails about how to best tend to your MoGrow in times of bad weather or intense heat. If you have a random hot spell or rainstorm on its way, we’ll send a note telling you how to handle it.

We also help you time the grow. Once your MoGrow is delivered, we start counting. Then, when it’s time to feed your plant, we remind you. As your veggie nears harvesting time, we’ll send you an email so you know when to begin reaping your rewards.

If you have any question at all, shoot it towards our Grow Pros. They’re here to help you throughout your entire grow in whatever capacity so you don’t have to stress or guess.


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