
5 Pro-Level Tips to Growing a Container Garden

Container growing is an exciting hobby that can produce big harvest rewards and a lifetime of fulfillment. In truth, container growing is really quite simple. It requires little skill — just a little attention every day.

However, there are a few things that you absolutely need to know to grow — things that aren’t always told to you. Once you have this information, container gardening becomes a very simple task.

Here are 5 pro-level tips to growing a container garden.

1. Pick your plant like a pro.

Container gardens are notorious for expanding your capacity to grow plants no matter where you live. And this is true! Container growing means you can grow on fire escapes, window sills, balconies, and more.

It’s also true that container gardens also expand the types of plants you can grow. Because you can move the garden around, you might be able to grow certain plants indoors that you might not be able to grow in your climate.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean you can grow anything anywhere.

The reality is that where you live limits what you can grow — whether you’re growing indoors, on a balcony, our in a garden plot. Your climate produces a unique set of conditions for your garden to grow in.

When you’re choosing what to grow in your container garden, take this into account! Look carefully at the plant variety you’re considering and at your climate. Ask yourself: does my climate support my plant growth? Do they match?

Gardenuity Match is the simplest way to avoid accidentally growing a plant that’s not suited to your climate. Use Match technology to see what you can grow, where you live, today.

2. Acknowledge the importance of soil.

The type of soil you grow in is the number one most overlooked component of growing a container garden. Many gardeners simply pick a soil at random from their local gardening store, which is the surest way to make your plant’s life hard.

Consider this: the soil is your plant’s home. It’s the environment in which the roots grow — its primary way to obtain nutrients. Without the right soil environment, your plant simply won’t grow well.

There are many many types of soils you can purchase when starting a container garden. It’s absolutely key that your soil drains well, aerates well, and simultaneously holds nutrients for your plant.

Then, remember to add amendments to enrich your soil, including compost and fertilizers. Look at mixing composts with ingredients such as coconut coir, perlite, or pine bark.

If doing the soil research feels overwhelming, Gardenuity soil is designed by the best in the industry to support your specific plants’ needs. It varies per plant variety and is a complex curated blend to support growth.

3. Hydrate well, but not too much.

If soil is the number one overlooked aspect to growing, then hydration is the number one reason plants die. Believe it or not, it’s not because people don’t water enough — more plants die from overwatering than anything else.

The good news is that there is a super simple fix: check daily. If you stick a thumb in the dirt every day, you can’t go wrong. If the dirt is moist, wait another day. If it’s dry, water! It’s simple.

Each plant varies a little in its desires for how to be watered (deep infrequent waterings versus consistent small waterings). For extra points, do some research on your specific plant and water as suggested. Whatever you do, just don’t give it too much hydration.

4. Choose the container carefully.

All containers are not equal. When growing a container garden, it’s imperative to pick a container that’s amiable for plant growth.

Be sure that your container drains well. If it doesn’t, you’ll let your plant’s roots sit in water and encourage root rot. In the same vein, your container needs adequate aeration, so that your plant can get carbon dioxide.

Additionally, choose a container that’s large enough for your plant. Your plant needs space to grow and if your container is too small, you’ll stunt the roots’ (and therefore your plant’s) growth.

5. Plant your passion!

In the attempt to do everything “right,” many people forget that gardening is, at heart, a passion project. So when choosing your plant, your container, your garden placement, choose what speaks to you! Grow what you like to eat and grow where you want to see more green.

Growing because you’re excited will change the way you tend to your plant. You’ll be more attentive and the harvest will be so much more rewarding.

Go here for the complete guide to container gardening, including step-by-step instructions.


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