Something always happens to my diet as summer declines. It’s as if I’m subconsciously aware that there are more swimsuit-wearing-weeks behind me than ahead of me, and I’m altering my eating habits to more aptly suit a hibernation diet.
This decline, although undesirable, isn’t particularly surprising. My diet (and probably yours) always fluctuates. Sometimes, I’m superbly healthy; sometimes, the only things that really appeal to me are the things that are covered in grease. I’ve found the best way to restart my healthy eating habits and kick the unhealthy cravings is by detoxing.
So, for this food experiment, I tried a super strict 3-day plant detox. Here’s what happened.
Green juice time. Veg News recommends kale, cucumber, celery, lemon, and ginger. And, if you need a little extra for breakfast, blueberries are allowed.
Green smoothie — the healthy kind. No, Jamba Juice doesn’t count.
Raw veggies. Think carrot sticks, celery sticks, bell peppers, etc. All dips (hummus, ranch, or spinach dip) are banned.
Salad — as big as you need. Any green veggies, raw veggies, and avocado are allowed. For dressing, substitute a tablespoon of olive oil with fresh lemon juice.
Drink lots of water, avoid caffeine of all kinds (R.I.P. my Diet Coke), and incorporate hot water with half a lemon in the mornings. (This is a special addition that my mother swears by.)
Morning of day one, and I am ready to rumble. Already feeling healthier.
So far, so good. My green juice was a little sour and a little flavorless as is my green smoothie (I’ll get better at concocting, I’m sure). But overall, I’m satisfied and feeling motivated.
I’m not going to sugarcoat this, I’m feeling a caffeine withdrawal coming on. And knowing my habits, it’s going to be a bad one. Plus, these raw veggie sticks are the first solid food I’ve had all day, and man do they taste delicious.
I’m guzzling water in a subconscious attempt to make up for my lack of non-water liquid intake. However, my salad tasted delicious!
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and happy. However, I don’t think I particularly like green juices and I definitely needed the blueberries.
My smoothie making skills are already on the rise. I focused on using more sugary fruits to combat the spinach I threw inside. It was hugely helpful, as was using almond milk instead of water.
I’m hungry, which I hope means the detoxing part of this detox diet has begun. I ate way too many carrot sticks and will be on the lookout for orange fingers.
I just consumed a huuuuge salad for dinner because quantity is very necessary when you restrict so many food groups. That being said, I actually feel really good. Despite the big portion, I feel light, satisfied, and energetic.
Contrary to what I thought, I feel decent. However, I can feel my body craving a source of protein — beans, chickpeas, nuts, anything — and I think it’s good today is the last day.
Another day, another smoothie. I used mango today which was a hit with the taste buds and became the first smoothie I’ll definitely bring back after this detox is over.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I skipped this snack today even though I was hungry because I just didn’t want to eat more raw vegetables.
Whether or not this salad tasted any good is subsidiary to the imaginary meals I’m having tomorrow in my head. My body feels a little empty, to be honest, and I’m ready to get back to a more filling, nutrient-varied diet.
Waking up the fourth-day post-plant detox, I actually felt quite wonderful. Although admittedly, in a moment that made me wonder whether doing the detox was even worth anything, I ate almond butter toast for breakfast immediately. And wow, it tasted delicious.
Overall, I feel pretty refreshed after the plant detox. I’ve definitely kicked all cravings for processed sugars (for now).
Instead, I’m craving things like quinoa, roasted cauliflower, seed butters, and solid fruit…which is definitely a step up from desires three days ago.
Will I do this plant detox again?
Maybe. In a moment of desperation, perhaps. Otherwise, I’m more likely to just focus on plant foods and exclude processed sugars.
Because, if I’ve learned anything over the years, I’ve learned that plants are good for me — especially when I grow them myself. I feel better, happier, more prepared physically and mentally to do the things I want, and more connected to the earth.
In any case, food experiment completed. Check out the last food experiment I did here! (Spoiler: it was much more successful.)
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