“I’ll love whatever you get me. It’s the thought that counts!”
-Every mom ever
Mothers are the ultimate diplomats. They’re also the ultimate lovers, so they probably actually mean it when they say this. But…it doesn’t mean they don’t have specific wishes.
We wanted to know what real-life, busy moms actually want this Mother’s Day, so we asked a few friends, family, and all-around “boss moms” what their #1 wish for Mother’s Day 2018 is.
“Being that my twin boys just finished their first year away at college, I’ll be thrilled to have them with me on Mother’s Day! As for what’s on my wishlist? A summer holiday away with them, a day without email (what a dream!), a personal chef and stylist, a fabulous bauble from my friend Sue Gragg, and, of course, world peace. But, if that’s too much, I’ll settle for an updated photo with my boys. Nothing would make me happier.”
“With a 2 ½-year-old son and 5-month old son, family time and homemade cards are the most precious Mother’s Day gifts I could ask for! My boys are in such a sweet and fun stage, so spending the day together would be perfect.”
”For Mother’s Day, I would like my kids to go to church with me, have lunch with me, hang out with me, put in new kitchen cabinets, find a place for all their stuff they are about to lug home from college, and take my feet to get a pedicure. I don’t think I’m asking more than any other mom.”
“A 75-degree crystal-clear day on the lake with my family.”
“An hour to enjoy the sunshine and appreciate the fact I have a 2-year-old and a 2-day old little one.”
“A quiet night in with a nice bottle of wine, snacks, and relaxation — alone. ”
“Dinner with all three of my adult children at the same time. As they get older, it’s harder and harder to do that.”
“Chocolate with no calories, Madison to say, ‘Ok, you were right,’ an empty laundry bin, clean hair, Scott to be on time for a day, and one last heart-to-heart with my mom who I know is smiling down on us from heaven.“
“For Mother’s Day, I’d like to relinquish all discipline — my least favorite mom activity — to my partner.”
This Mother’s Day, get your mom what she wants. If you’re a mom — first, treat yourself! Then, let us and your loved ones know: what are you wishing for this Sunday? @gardenuity
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