
Pet-Friendly Herb Gardens | Introducing The Giftable Pet Garden Kit

The perfect gift for your furry friend or favorite dog or cat parent, the Giftable Dog and Cat Garden is a great way to nurture nature and nourish our canine kids. 

Along with an adorable paw print embroidered grow bag, this kit includes everything needed to set up a garden and start growing pet-friendly herbs. Nutrition is a critical component to the overall health and wellness of dogs and cats, and an optimal diet plentiful in animal ingredients is an important consideration we make everyday. Ensuring our pets are nourished with a healthy, flavorful, and varied diet is just one way we can help them live a ong, happy and healthy life. Plus, how many activities are equally as rewarding for both the pet and pet parent?

The Giftable Dog and Cat Garden Kit is shipped with everything needed to build your dog or cat garden and have a successful growing season! 

Pets and plants have a unique power to heal and bring joy to our lives. Let them thrive in harmony.” – Gardenuity

  • Some of the dog-friendly herbs you may receive include, but are not limited to, Basil, Chamomile, Dill, Oregano, Parsley, Peppermint, Sage, Thyme, and Turmeric.
  • The Giftable Cat Garden Kit is shipped with cat-friendly herbs you may receive, including, but not limited to, Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Thyme, Catnip, and Sage.

How Do You Know What Herbs Are Good for Your Pets?

You should always check with your vet before feeding your pets any sort of plant or herb supplement. However, many herbs can be beneficial to animals, just as they are to humans. 

Some of the best herbs for dogs are as follows:

Best Herbs for Dogs

  1. Coriander
    • Anti-parasitic
    • Anti-diarrhea
    • Eases nausea
    • Alleviates intestinal gas
  2. Oregano
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antibacterial
    • Antifungal
    • Alleviates indigestion and diarrhea
    • Antioxidant boosts the immune system
  3. Mint: Most household mint plants are safe for dogs to eat if you follow a few safety guidelines. The most common types of mint plants, like peppermint and spearmint, are not considered toxic to dogs in small amounts.
    • Dogs can typically eat one to two mint leaves without any harm as long as it is offered as a special treat.
    • Mint leaves should never become a staple in your dog’s diet, but rather something that’s offered once or twice a week tops.
    • Offering a larger or more frequent serving could lead to diarrhea and vomiting in some canine friends.
    • One species of mint should always be kept away from your pup – pennyroyal. Both Pennyroyal mint leaves and Pennyroyal oil are highly toxic to dogs if they are consumed and can even lead to liver failure if they eat a large amount. Even with ingesting a few small bites, these dogs can suffer from severe vomiting and diarrhea.
  4. Turmeric
    • Relieves arthritis
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Improves gut health
    • Boosts brain function
  5. Cinnamon
    • Fights against heart disease
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Regulates blood sugar
    • Anti-cancer properties

For more information, look no further than our in-depth guide on herbs for dogs

But what about cats? Discover the best herbs for cats here…

Best Herbs for Cats

Just like their canine counterparts, cats can also benefit from certain herbs. These feline-friendly herbs not only add variety to their diet but can also offer a range of health benefits. Remember, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian before introducing any new herbs or plants into your cat’s life. Here are some cat-friendly herbs:

  1. Basil: This aromatic herb is safe for cats and can provide a fresh and interesting scent in their environment. While not a primary dietary herb for cats, basil can be grown in your Giftable Cat Garden as a sensory enrichment plant.
  2. Cilantro: Cats can safely enjoy cilantro in small amounts. It adds a dash of freshness to their diet and can be a fun addition to their garden.
  3. Dill: Dill is another cat-friendly herb that can provide variety in your cat’s sensory experience. Its delicate fronds can be an intriguing addition to their garden.
  4. Thyme: Thyme is safe for cats and can be grown as a garden herb. The aroma of thyme may pique your cat’s interest and provide a pleasant sensory stimulus.
  5. Catnip: Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, is a well-known favorite among felines. Its aromatic oils can induce playfulness, excitement, and even relaxation in cats. Catnip is like a secret party starter for your cat’s sensory receptors. Just a small amount can lead to euphoric playtime, rolling, and excitement. You can consider planting catnip in your Giftable Cat Garden to provide your cat with moments of pure delight.
  6. Sage: Sage is another safe herb for cats and can add variety to their garden. Its aromatic leaves can offer a sensory experience that cats find intriguing.

For more information, check out our in-depth guide on herbs for cats

The Giftable Dog and Cat Gardens from Gardenuity are not just gardens; they are gifts of love, wellness, and sensory enrichment for your furry friends. These kits allow you to blend the joys of gardening with the well-being of your beloved pets, offering a sensory journey and nourishing herbs.

When it comes to introducing herbs to your pets’ diets, always consult your veterinarian, especially if your pet has any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions. With the right herbs, you can enhance your pet’s life and create moments of joy together in your garden.

Incorporating pet-friendly herbs into your pet’s environment can provide not only physical but also mental stimulation. So, whether you’re a dog lover or a cat enthusiast, it’s time to nurture nature, enrich your pet’s life, and embark on a journey of growth, love, and happiness together in your Giftable Pet Garden.


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