If you think that you’ve already missed the growing season for this year, never fear! Fall is the perfect time to plant a garden full of special veggies. In fact, some vegetables flourish even more if they are planted during the fall season as opposed to the spring.
Now is the time to start planning your garden for the coming fall season, as you want to be strategic with how you handle the cooling temperatures. The best way to do this is to plant a container garden; an easy way to move your garden indoors to extend the growing season.
Follow along as we talk about the best vegetables for fall container gardening, as well as some tips for a successful fall season harvest. Your fall garden will be super easy to grow and will have you enjoying your harvest well into early winter.
When you are planning out your fall garden, the secret to success is timing. We like to make this factor face lower stakes with the option of planting your garden in our grow bags. Planting your fall garden as a container garden makes the timing of the first frost less of a parameter for your plant’s growing period.
For the sake of general time frames, planning your fall container garden around the first frost is still helpful because you have a predetermined guideline to follow. The bonus is that you can protect your plants from the frost if they’re still growing. Click here to find out when your first frost should settle.
For more information on timing out your fall garden in preparation for the cool season, take a look at our Fall Garden Guide.
When it comes to growing your fall garden, even in a container garden, there are some vegetables that just love to grow in the fall season. Here is a list of fall vegetables that are easy to grow, and who love the cool season; fall growing conditions are perfect for these veggies.
Carrots are the perfect cool season crop. Carrot plants take about two months to mature, and you will want to sow them 2-3 weeks before the first frost (even if you’re growing in a container garden, this is a good guideline to follow for grow time).
We included carrots in this list because they fare extremely well as temperatures cool off. Carrots are also a favorite because they are generally problem-free, and very easy to grow.
For more tips on how to grow a rewarding carrot garden, take a look at our How To Grow Carrots Complete Guide.
Radishes are low-maintenance to care for and quick, easy growers; if you’re considering planting radishes in your fall container garden, fall is a great time for them to grow. Some small-rooted varieties are even ready in a month (or less) from seeding. These root veggies prefer cold temperatures and are young growers.
For more information on how to grow your best radish garden, check out our guide to growing radishes!
Beets are the sugary sweet roots that make the perfect addition to your breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. They’re super fast growers, and offer plentiful health benefits; beets have extremely high levels of iron, fiber and vitamins a & c.
Beets are the perfect veggie to grow in your fall garden, as they love the cooler temperatures. To grow fall beets, you want to plan on giving them a grow time that is about 8-10 weeks out from the first frost.
For a complete guide to grow beautiful beets, read up on this article published by Good Housekeeping.
Garlic is an incredible veggie to grow in your fall container garden! Garlic prefers colder temperatures so much that you can continue to grow your garlic garden into early winter.
Garlic does not require extra attention in order to produce extra plentiful harvests; in fact, one garlic garden will easily quench all your garlic needs for an entire season.
For more in-depth instruction on growing and harvesting garlic you can read our complete guide how to grow and harvest garlic!
“Many leafy greens like kale taste even better after they experience their first frost.”
Leafy Greens are part of our Cut and Come again collection. This means you can have continual harvests for quiet some time. Many leafy greens like Kale taste better after they experience their first frost. Growing leafy greens is easy and very rewarding as you can enjoy so many harvests. Leafy greens are cool-season crops and most will be ready for their first harvest in 20-30 days, especially if you start your garden with fully rooted starter plants. Some of our favorite leafy greens include; Arugula, Green Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, Bok Choy and Collard Greens.
Take a look at this article What You Need To Know To Grow A Fall Garden. Another way to enjoy your container garden of leafy greens is to bring the garden into the kitchen and let people harvest some of their own fresh greens for their salad- a great idea for a fun gathering of friends.
Now that you have all of the right information, it’s time for you to begin preparation for your fall container garden.
You are getting the best of both worlds by being able to start your garden outdoors and bring it in as temperatures cool off. For a head start, pick up one of our easy to assemble Garden Kits and fill it with your fall favorites!
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