Happy Kid Holding a Thank You Sign
Gratitude makes the world go round. So this Earth Day, we think it’s important to give our heartfelt thanks. We asked a few of our favorite inspirational Earth lovers to give public shout-outs to Mother Earth. Here are their (and our) Earth Day thank you’s.
Horticulturist and Author “Gardening Under Lights” & “Plant Parenting”
That’s a big question that requires a big answer! So, I’ll try to sum up my thoughts briefly as possible. As I see it, the Earth and all forms of life that inhabit it are intrinsically connected. There’s no separating one from the other. I never feel more human — and happy — than when I’m outside, barefoot, feet in the soil, sand, or water. Hands-in-dirt is a happy place. I’m endlessly fascinated with nature and her creatures. So much beauty can be found places and in the organisms all around us, even those we’ve been conditioned to think of as “ugly” (I’m obsessed with insects and microorganisms…take a close look and most are beautiful!). My love of plants and gardening goes back to an early age, but it didn’t blossom into my life’s work until about halfway through college. I’m thankful I’ve been able to spend my professional life immersed in plants and the natural environment. Gardening, both outdoors and indoors, is how I keep my connection to nature and nurture my drive to cultivate. Earth is our home and she sustains us. Let’s show our gratitude by taking as good of care of her, as she does of us. Happy Earth Day!
Content Director, Dallas Market Center
I would like to thank the Earth for… providing us our home, nourishment and breathtaking inspiration each day, as well as for bearing with us as we learn better so that we can do better for her in return!
Ellison Chair in International Floriculture, Texas A&M University
I would like to thank the Earth for…providing the plethora of ecosystems services and health and well-being benefits!
Marketing Director, Neighborhood Goods
I would like to thank the Earth for the daily reminder that there’s beauty to be seen in growth and change.
Co-founder, Gardenuity
The power of gratitude can make you look at life differently – it can make a difference in how truly thankful you are, every day. So, thank you Earth for giving us life. I am grateful for your strength, vulnerability, and goodness, and I hear the whisper of your welcome in every sunrise and sunset.
Co-founder, Gardenuity
Thank you for the 1st days of spring when the green buds are SO green that we can see all the new and fresh possibilities.
Discovery, Inc.
I would like to thank the Earth for creating the backdrop to our day to day existence, our wildest adventures, and our most memorable moments. I’m forever in awe that we have the privilege of experiencing her vastly beautiful creations firsthand.
CEO & Founder, SoMo
I would like to thank the Earth for the flowers that cheer us. The mountains that embolden us. The oceans that restore us. And the rain that brings us life.
Founder, Kalōn
Thank you Mother Earth, for all the beautiful colors you give each day. I love watching the sunrise and set. I am inspired by the colors that come and go with each season.
I can easily say, most days, I find myself in my favorite spot on the patio waiting to catch the last few rays of sunlight, eager see what colors will close the final hours of the day.
Principal, Droese Public Relations
I would like to thank the Earth for providing sustainable ways to grow fresh plants and produce for families and friends, while reminding us of the beautiful world we live in.
Happy Earth Day! What are your Earth Day thank you’s?
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