As Daylight Saving Time comes to an end, we experience with that a great transition into the winter season. This time of change can be difficult to adjust to, especially as the amount of daylight we experience becomes so much smaller; as creatures of habit, a change like this can definitely throw our beloved routines for a loop.
When it comes to periods of transition, it is important to find ways to ground ourselves, so that we can move forward along with the passing of time. Although it is easy to become stuck in the past, it’s imperative to make yourself open and flexible to change.
During this end of Daylight Saving Time, using fresh herbs from your garden will be just the fix you need to remain grounded, calm, and ready for whatever the world throws at you.
Abundant change can be extremely challenging to cope with, especially when the change is occurring in your physical environment. What is significant in the ending of Daylight Saving Time is that it carries with it the lesson that we cannot always control our circumstances; an essential aspect of continuing to grow is learning to let go of what we can’t control.
Transitions are accompanied by large amounts of stress on our minds and bodies. Extended periods of time spent under increased stress can lead to exhaustion, sickness, and lower levels of happiness. This can happen because of a change like a new job or a new living space, the passing of a loved one, growing a new container garden kit, or even the change of the seasons.
Keep in mind that we are perpetually adapting and re-adapting to our environment every day; it’s okay to feel overwhelmed by a change that you can’t adjust to immediately. Chances are, if you’re experiencing friction while passing through a moment of transition, it means that you have something to gain from your labor – you have a chance to grow.
Embrace fluctuations in your life, as they welcome the reality that you can grow as much as you want in this world, depending on how open you are to the idea of it.
One way to cope with change is by sticking to consistent rituals as a part of your daily routine. We are always searching for our normal, our homeostasis, our balance. By manually inserting this idea of normalcy into your day, you’re providing yourself with comfort, familiarity, and the security of knowing what to expect.
Even if these moments are fleeting, remember that they are invaluable to your happiness; indulge in small moments of comfort. Be intentional about choosing how to spend your time – you can always control this aspect of your day.
According to The Herbal Academy, a daily herbal ritual is a fantastic way to keep yourself feeling grounded in season’s of change. This daily routine can involve making an herbal tea, cooking with fresh herbs, or tending to your herb garden. If you’re interested in reading their article, check it out here.
While this slow transition from fall to winter draws nearer, make a plan for how you’re going to maintain your momentum during the big change. Below find a list of three different herbs that you should incorporate into your daily routine to help manage your transition experience.
As the seasons change around us this year, consider how you’re going to continue opening yourself to growth. Starting your own herb garden could be the perfect way for you to adopt a grounding ritual into your life.
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