When you have so many possibilities at the tips of your fingers, the choices are daunting. Cooking with fresh herbs from your container garden is such a joy, but can also be overwhelming when you do not know where to start.
Whether you are working with the tried and true versatile herb, basil, or a more nuanced flavor like coriander, you are capable of creating a dish that is delicious and stress-free. Put your skills to the test by trying out something new, and keeping your cool while doing it.
Today, we bring you 5 tips for cooking with fresh herbs from your garden – check it out!
To say it simply, herbs are just so good for you. They help recharge your mind, body, and soul in consuming them, as well as taking care of them while they grow. Growing herbs as a regular part of your cooking practice is a holistic addition that is so fulfilling.
It is also impossible to deny that sometimes recipes just get boring and bland. Cooking with fresh herbs provides an opportunity to liven things up without needing to stray far from home (or even far from the kitchen, if you have a countertop herb garden!).
Herbs have a slew of health benefits. Take a look at this article, 7 Restorative Health Benefits of Herbs to learn more.
If you are looking for more information regarding which herbs pair well with which flavor profiles, take a look at the bottom half of this article, Cooking with Fresh Herbs, by Urban Cultivator.
If using your very own herb harvest sounds like a fun way to spice up your kitchen life, follow your inspiration and start your container garden today. Check out our available container garden kits that are tailored to your climate to get started.
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